Wednesday, March 13, 2024

2024.03.13 [Screw Rescue Report] Torx Screw on Toyota Hilux Tailgate

This is the Screw Rescue Report of a customer in Kameda District, Hokkaido, Japan.

★Issue Description:

"While attaching the tailgate damper on Toyota Hilux GUN125, the Torx screw became stripped. Despite attempting to drill a hole in the screw and using an extractor from another company, it broke, leaving uncertainty on how to remove the screw."

★Work Log:

Upon assessing the damage in the screw photos, a prototype Neji-Mogura (So called Socket Screw Extractor) is being sent to them. As the broken part of the extractor from another company remained in the screw, a router bit (not a drill) was utilized for the pilot hole.

★Customer Appreciation:

"We were delighted to receive your product this time, and with it, we effortlessly removed the screw. The Neji-Mogura was user-friendly and worked exceptionally well," expressed in a joyful message. πŸ¦–

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[Screw Rescue Report] Dyson vacuum cleaner screws πŸ¦–

The screw that secures the battery has been stripped and cannot be removed. There was still a small cross groove left, so we used the "...