Tuesday, July 25, 2023

2023.07.25 Screw Rescue Report Penlight (Kis-My-Ft2 & A.B.C-Z)

We received a Screw SOS from a penlight in Shiga Prefecture's Kusatsu City.

"I want to replace the screw of a penlight that got crushed. I was worried about battery leakage, so I tried to unscrew it multiple times. Even with precision screwdrivers and loosening agents, I couldn't remove it, and the screw kept sinking further in. The screw hole is now crushed, and the screwdriver just keeps spinning. I am not sure how to remove this stripped screw...

This penlight holds sentimental value as it was the last concert merchandise I got before the pandemic."

We promptly received the penlight and the Screw Rescue Team started the operation.

Urus's excitement grew as he saw the penlights of both Kis-My-Ft2 and A.B.C-Z for the first time!

We successfully rescued the screw using a new Neji Mogura (Socket Screw Extractor DBZ-400 series).

"I struggled to remove the screw of the penlight on my own and was amazed that it could be taken out. I'm deeply grateful that you even provided a new screw. It seems that Johnny's penlights tend to focus more on design, and the ease of removing screws is often overlooked. Some people end up breaking the lid to replace the batteries when they can't unscrew it. Thanks to using Screw Rescue this time, I was able to protect my precious penlight filled with memories. Thank you very much!" - We received this delightful feedback.

For all your screw-related troubles, leave it to Neji-saurus (Scew Removal Tools) series & the Screw Rescue Team!

We started a Chatbot service for finding the best extracting tools for your screw related-trouble.

Visit our website and click the Urus! Chatbot starts.


YouTube ENGINEER channel



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The screw that secures the battery has been stripped and cannot be removed. There was still a small cross groove left, so we used the "...