Tuesday, April 2, 2024

2024.04.02 [Screw Rescue Report] Panasonic Electric Shaver Screw

This is a Screw Rescue Report from a customer in Tokyo, Japan's capital.

★ Issue Description:

"I attempted to replace the battery in my Panasonic electric shaver, but as shown in the attached photo, the screw became stripped, making it impossible to remove the screw. I'm really stuck and need to get it off somehow. I contacted you in hopes of learning a good method to remove it."

★ Work Log:

Upon checking the screw groove, it was found that a little bit of cross corners remained. Therefore, we used a Neji-BAZOOKA DBZ-57 (So called Rapid Screw Extractor), successfully removing the screw.

For information on the Neji-BAZOOKA (DBZ-57), visit here:

English: https://www.engineertools-jp.com/dbz57

Japanese: https://x.gd/MUn9b

★ Customer Appreciation: 

Upon informing the customer that the screw had been rescued, we received a delightful response: "I never imagined that a screw so damaged could be removed, and I had almost given up hope. I'm truly impressed and grateful."

ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service (R) Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!

Visit now engineertools-jp.com/nejichat

For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!


YouTube ENGINEER channel



Monday, April 1, 2024

2024.04.01 [Screw Rescue Report] Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Screw

This is a Screw Rescue Report from a customer in Aichi Prefecture, Tokai region, Japan.

★ Trouble Description:

"I attempted to replace the battery of a cordless vacuum cleaner from a certain manufacturer, but I ended up stripping one of the screws, making it impossible to remove. It seems that it's not a standard Phillips screw. I tried various methods, but I found it beyond my capabilities as an amateur, so I reached out for assistance."

★ Work Log:

The screw type was a Pozidriv, with the cross groove on the screw head completely worn out. Therefore, in this case, we drilled a pilot hole with a Ξ¦2mm drill and successfully removed the screw by utilizing a trick of the Neji-Mogura DBZ-420, Socket Scrwe Extractor.

ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service (R) Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!

Visit now engineertools-jp.com/nejichat

For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!


YouTube ENGINEER channel



Friday, March 29, 2024

2024.03.29 [Screw Rescue Report] Dot Site (VectorOptics)

This is a Screw Rescue Report from a customer in Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu region, Japan.

★ Issue Description:

"I tried to remove a hex socket screw, but it's stuck due to the applied thread-locking agent. We attempted to use another screw extraction driver from another company, but it only ended up widening the hole and worsening the situation. I'm unsure how to remove this screw." This was the inquiry we received.

★ Work Log:

The target was a stripped hex socket screw (Across flats: 3mm). We choose Neji-Mogura DBZ-430, Socket Screw Extractor, and easily removed the screw!

When encountering screw troubles, get in touch with "Neji-chat (R), Chatbot service of Urus".

Neji-chat (R)


You can easily resolve screw troubles without buying useless tools.

ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service (R) Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!

Visit now engineertools-jp.com/nejichat

For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!


YouTube ENGINEER channel



Thursday, March 28, 2024

2024.03.28 [Screw Rescue Report] Espresso Grinder Screw

This is a Screw Rescue Report from a customer in Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu region, Japan.

★Issue Description:

"Around 5mm screw holding the blade of the espresso grinder is tight and couldn't be removed, and unfortunately, I stripped the screw head. Despite trying various screw removal tools from other companies, I couldn't manage to loosen it. I'm not sure how to remove this screw."

★ Work log:

Since the customer had already drilled a pilot hole with a Ξ¦4mm drill, we used the Neji-Mogura DBZ-440 (So called Socket Screw Extractor) in that hole, and the screw came out easily!

★ From the Staff:

As we've previously introduced, a trick of the Mogura is making a pilot hole with a drill. In this case, the customer had already drilled a pilot hole in preparation for using another company's screw extractor, so we utilized that hole directly.

Now, why could our Mogura remove the screw easily while other company's extractors couldn't? The reason is the precision of Mogura's manufacturing. It's clear when compared to other company's extractors; our mole's spiral processing precision is extremely high and precise (Made in Japan). Because this spiral firmly grips the target object, screws that can't be removed by other company's extractors can be easily removed with our Mogura.

ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service (R) Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!

Visit now engineertools-jp.com/nejichat

For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!


YouTube ENGINEER channel



Wednesday, March 27, 2024

2024.03.27 [Screw Rescue Report] Spike Pin for Track and Field Shoes

This is a Screw Rescue Report from a customer in Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture, Kanto Region, Japan.

★Issue Description:

"I tried to remove the spike pin from my track and field shoes, but it wouldn't come out. Instead, I ended up breaking the spike pin. Additionally, I accidentally damaged the screw body while attempting to remove it. I didn't know how to remove this pin, so I contacted you for assistance."

★ Work Log:

We promptly received the shoes and initiated the operation with the Screw Rescue Team. By using the "Neji-saurus GTV, PZ-77" to grip and turn, we easily removed this broken spike pin!

ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!

Visit now engineertools-jp.com/nejichat

For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!


YouTube ENGINEER channel



Tuesday, March 26, 2024

2024.03.26 [Screw Rescue Report] Laptop Screw

This is a Screw Rescue Report from a customer in Tanba City, Hyogo Prefecture, Kinki Region, Japan.

★Issue Description:

"I accidentally stripped two screws on the back panel of my Panasonic laptop, Let's Note  (CF-SX4EDHCS). I do not know how to remove these screws"

★Work Log:

Upon scheduling a suitable time, the customer brought in the laptop for assistance.

The Screw Rescue Team initiated the emergency operation. Utilizing the trick of Neji-Morugra Middle Size DBZ-415 (So, called Socket Screw Extractor), we successfully removed the stripped screws.

★ From the Staff:

What is the trick of Neji-Mogura? We frequently receive this question from customers.

Originally, we developed Neji-Mogura as the extractor for stripped hexagon socket screws. However, we found that the precise processing (Made in Japan!) of spiral bites to the object strongly and it can extract not only the stripped hex socket screws but also any kind of stripped screws if making pilot holes with drills. 

For the details, please check the below instructions and video,

Instruction: https://www.engineertools-jp.com/dbz310#:~:text=Application%20to%20Phillips%20%26%20other%20drives

Video: https://youtu.be/AL5JHkkECq4?si=kJe2DND2BRvBXq7z&t=48

ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!

Visit now engineertools-jp.com/nejichat

For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!


YouTube ENGINEER channel



[Screw Rescue Report] Dyson vacuum cleaner screws πŸ¦–

The screw that secures the battery has been stripped and cannot be removed. There was still a small cross groove left, so we used the "...