[Screw Rescue Report]
Regarding the stripped screw on the shield base of the SHOEI motorcycle helmet, we received the item and performed a rescue operation. Using a 2mm drill and the Neji Mogura (DBZ-420), we were able to easily remove the screw! (For the trick, click here: youtu.be/0qL7_pMIpz4)Monday, June 17, 2024
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Neji-Saurus' adventures~Episode 1 Motor bike~
The adventures of the mascot "Neji-Saurus" by the ENGINEER INC. now available in English via WebManga! Neji-Saurus and his friends expand globally to reach people all over the world to share his experiences. Don't miss the next episodes, exciting stories ahead! We are looking forward to all English viewers!
ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service (R) Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!
Visit now https://engineertools-jp.com/nejichat
For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
2024.05.14 [Screw Rescue Report] Nintendo (R) 3DS Screw
【Screw Rescue】
ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service (R) Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!
Visit now https://engineertools-jp.com/nejichat
For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
2024.05.08【Screw Rescue Report】Unable to Remove the Small Phillips Screw on the Penlight!
We often receive inquiries about the battery cover screw of the penlight. By using a trick of the Neji-Mogura (https://x.gd/CK9Ri), we successfully removed the screw!
▼ Tools:
Φ2mm Drill
Neji-Mogura (DBZ-420) https://x.gd/wEzKu
▼ Details:
The target was the stripped small phillips screw. We attempted to remove the screw using a trick of Neji-Mogura (https://x.gd/CK9R). By making a pilot hole in the center of the screw with a Φ2mm drill and using the DBZ-420, we were able to remove the screw.
▼ For screw troubles, utilize Neji Chat (R) (Chatbot service)!
Friday, April 26, 2024
2024.04.26 【Screw Rescue Report】 Unable to Remove Screws of Game Boy Micro!
【Screw Rescue Report】
Unable to Remove Screws of Game Boy Micro!
The extremely small screws on the Game Boy were completely stripped, but using a new product under development, we were able to remove all three stripped screws!
▼For screw troubles, utilize Neji Chat!
▼ENGINEER official website
Monday, April 22, 2024
2024.04.22 [Screw Rescue Report] Unable to remove screws from handheld game console!
[Screw Rescue Report]
Unable to remove screws from handheld game console!
DBZ-58 Neji-BAZOOKA (https://x.gd/0NnRg) for lightly damaged Phillips screws.
Successfully removed screws by catching the remaining grooves using DBZ-58 Neji-BAZOOKA (https://x.gd/0NnRg).
▼For screw troubles, utilize Neji-chat (R)!
#ScrewRescue #Screws #Strippedscrew #Damagedscrew #StuckScrews #BackPanel #Nejisaurus #Screwpliers #ENGINEER
ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service (R) Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!
Visit now https://engineertools-jp.com/nejichat
For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
2024.04.15 [Screw Rescue Report] Unable to remove the screw adapter in the camera tripod!
[Screw Rescue Report]
Unable to remove the screw adapter in the camera tripod!
Received an SOS from the customer and took the actions.
Successfully removed the screw!
Neji-Mogura DBZ-450: https://x.gd/KlMIn
The target was a "3/8"→1/4" conversion adapter" that had become stuck and couldn't be turned. Used the "DBZ-450 Screw Mole" for this purpose. Originally designed to remove hexagon socket bolts, it successfully removed the screw!
▼For screw troubles, utilize Neji-chat (R) !
ENGINEER's Neji-Chat (Chatbot) service (R) Our Chatbot service solves your screw-related trouble in a few steps!
Visit now https://engineertools-jp.com/nejichat
For more information, visit our website and YouTube channel!
#ScrewRescueReport #Screw #Stripped #Damaged #NejiMogura #504X #ConversionAdapter
[Screw Rescue Report] Dyson vacuum cleaner screws 🦖
The screw that secures the battery has been stripped and cannot be removed. There was still a small cross groove left, so we used the "...

The screw that secures the battery has been stripped and cannot be removed. There was still a small cross groove left, so we used the "...
Receiving SOS about a stripped screw on the back cover of a MacBook Pro. "The screw on the back cover is completely stripped, and I ca...
We received an SOS from an individual in Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture, in the Kanto region of Japan, regarding the screws on his airsoft...